Tuesday, February 8, 2011

New Post coming soon

New Post Coming Soon!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Into me

Taking a moment
To reflect
On what's been lost
And what's been replaced
He's breathed life into me
Unknown to sex and gender
And though no longer
I ask again that you trust me
Breath life into me
A new color spectrum
Mixed with your new reds
And my old blues
Creating a purple of unknown
Breathe into me your regrets
And transgressions
Creating new beginnings
And I'm not claiming
That I can fix the messes
But willing to get throat deep
Into your trenches
Battling those demons
Loving those things that you
Hate about you
Because they make you
And want you to use those things
To breathe into me
Life unknown
To sex and gender
Breathing into this world
A new color spectrum
Of your new reds
And my old blues

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I thought I was done...but I'm back again!

I have not posted in a while so bare with me ya'll. So much has gone on since January. Of course I've lost, I've gained, and I've been confused as to where my life is going. At the present time I'm learning to breathe again to take in life. I'm learning everyday to live within the moment, and even though my mind races a mile a minute I am trying hard. Lessons of 2010 so far:
1. When you let go you just might find what you have been missing the entire time. Letting go is not that bad sometimes you lose what you thought was important, and sometimes life gets rearranged and priorities change. The beauty of life is change, and though it is sometimes a scary thing it is necessary for growth.
2. Learning the true colors of people. I don't view this as a negative thing better yet I view it as something beautiful because though heartache comes with it, at least you can know what you are dealing with up front.
3. Don't knock your blessings. God will allow trials so he can make the victory much sweeter.

This is a short a sweet one. Hopefully I can continue posting as I once did and share the lessons I learn daily. Like I always say I don't know everything, but you don't have to know to observe.

Much love and as always peace and reflections,



Tuesday, January 12, 2010

When I get that feeling I want...

Recently I rekindled a friendship with an ex. We went to dinner had a drink, talked and laughed etc. Needless to say it was a great outing with an old friend of 5 years. But I noticed that everyone around me saw it as something different. As if he and I had participated in some sort of date. Now this got me thinking, can two people who once shared a romantic relationship be friends? Can they let go of those feelings in exchange for some more concrete? Or will one or both be stuck in the feelings of the past?

I think you can be friends with an ex. Matter of fact that's what we are friends. I believe that our romantic feelings have been long lost never to return. Now I do admit we have conversed about rekindling that fire, but it was more words that actions.

I never say never, but not every situation requires a secod chance.

Much love ad continue having deep thoughts and reflections.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 + 1 does NOT! = the latest dance craze!

Good afternoon,

This is just a PSA. It's hard being a parent, and I cannot judge due to lack of children. But something has to said for your parenting skills when your child knows more about Gucci Mane and Souljah Boi Tell Em ( yes that is his entire stage name).
What ever happened to a good bedtime story? Or going to a museums? The excitement of learning something new; Something productive. It seems that kids these days are growing way to fast, and in doing so they are missing many fundamentals.
I applaud those that are continiously trying to focus their children on the greater good of knowledge, but there is still a large percentage that remains lost.
They know more about the new dance than mathematics. They know more about sex than they do writing and reading. And that is sad!
If I want to do some stupid dance I see on tv for entertainment (within reason) I can. Now you might find that hypocrtical, but let me explain. I am a student, I have a degree, I have a job, and the skills to move on. These kids do not.

Think on it. That's all I'm saying.

Much love and continue to have deep thoughts and reflections.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Did he mean to say that?

I stared down at the words
Read them
Swallowed them
Let them rest in my stomach
Til butterflies began to sprout
And I wondered
Did he mean to say that?
Maybe he was drinking
Or missed a step in the
I just don’t know
But I wish I was a fly
On the wall in that room
Or at least that keypad
So I could truly see
The intoxication that dripped from his fingertips
And I wonder
If he knows
That though he’s changed
I still have love for him…

Farewell 09…

When I thought of writing this I thought of everything that I’ve done in 2009. All the people I’ve had both positive and negative contact with (especially the loves I found). So when I thought to sit down and put this on paper so to speak I was sitting down watching “The American Dream: The Jackson Story,” flipping through Jill Scott’s poetry book “The moments, The minutes, The hours,” and thinking of you.
When I say you I know people are wondering who this “you” is, but the “you” in this post is more than one person.
Lately I have been debating my goodbyes for this year, and I was having a conversation with a friend of mine about the New Year and its changes. Something key that I have been thinking about is that “No one will change unless ready and not even the New Year will help that.” I have had many things and lost many things this year, but I would have to say that I have come out swinging hard. I’ve fallen and I’ve done repetitive destructive things (especially as it concerns love), but I’ve come out a winner this year. I just want to address some things that I want to change in the New Year.
1. I don’t want to bring people into the New Year that don’t care.
a. If you can’t take the time to call, txt, see about me then I’m sorry I can’t waste that energy on you. I’ve learned many things this year, and one of the most important things is based off this one statement “They are where they want to be” I have been trying to convince some people to care about me the way that I care about them, and frankly I shouldn’t have to. I’m all about proving yourself to gain trust, but eventually when it feels like I’m doing 80%, you’re doing 5%, and the remainder is left up in the air then its not worth it. So I am saying goodbye to these people. And when I say goodbye I don’t mean that “you” can’t call me if you need someone to listen or that I will ignore you if you reach out. But you must realize that the only way to contact me is if you reach out to me.
2. I don’t want to look for the “one”
a. If he is out there then he will come to me, and there’s not much to say on the matter. I will however realize those that are not the “one,” and continue the move on process. What I am realizing is that people will waste your time if you let them. If you constantly respond to those that you know only want you for sex, or only txt when the main thing is acting up then you are the blame. And you cannot complain when every time they text, you answer, and then they end up pissing you off. My advice to myself is MOVE ON!
3. I don’t want to allow people to stop my dreams
a. Meaning don’t allow friends, family, coworkers to change your flow if you have been doing something or have chosen a path then stick to it. Especially if it’s what you really want. Standing up for what you believe in is the most positive and beautiful thing you can do for your life.
4. I don’t want to lose those that are special to me.
a. See people get so caught up with what people do to piss you off. That they forget about all the things that their “friends” and loved ones do for them. Therefore, as I stated in previous post I have cut out many people, not only on facebook but life. Because its time. I was watching a YouTube video by a young man named Lewis H. Williams of ihustlenation.com. And he was talking about how people are bringing people into the New Year with them that they should have dropped three years ago. I have a few people like that, and yes it hurts because I hate to do that to people. But some people are good phone buddies or email buddies once every blue moon. They don’t need to know every aspect of your life, but it’s nice to hear from them every once in a while just to know that they are doing well. Hence, I want to focus on those that are truly there for and care about me.
5. Last, but not least, the past must be what it is.
a. And that is the past. I have experienced hurt throughout my life, but I am at the point where I am letting it control me and my actions. Therefore, the past must stay what it has always been, the past. I cannot change it and therefore I cannot bring it into the future with me. I will never forget it and I will always use it as a lesson, but I cannot and will not allow those things of the past to control me. When you allow the past people or situations to control you, you lose your power. The people of your past are most likely not thinking of how they hurt you, and therefore you are the only one losing sleep.
These are things that I would like to achieve, and things for everyone to think about. Think about things that you’d like to change about your life, and just figure out ways to help you start the change. No one can go cold turkey and change overnight, but we can damn sure start towards the change.

As always please continue to have deep thoughts and reflections.
Much love,
DePoetress <3